How To Solve Dog Separation Anxiety With Dog Crate Training

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Does your pet suffer from dog separation anxiety? Many do. It sure is not fun for their owners to deal with, either - that horrible, high pitched, constant whining or barking. The ear splitting howling is nearly unbearable.

A noisy dog does not sit well with even the most friendly neighbors, especially if the neighbors work from home. All that noise is so unnerving! If your neighbors already have a grudge against you, this sure does not help. 

And they resent it all the more because you aren't there to suffer with them from all that clamor from dog separation anxiety, or to try to hush your dogs up. Many people have actually faced lawsuits because they cannot keep their dogs quiet.

What are you supposed to do about this?
First, don't feel sorry for the dog - even if he was abandoned at one time. You need to live in the present. Dogs do. So decide that you are going to do what is needed for the sake of your family and the dog (and the neighbors). You can solve this problem of separation anxiety in dogs with a few consistent steps. Calm consistency is key.

With that decision made, purchase a dog crate big enough only for the dog to stand and turn around comfortably. You can make this dog crate a more secure "den" for him by covering the top and three sides. Then you follow these guidelines for crate training your dog. Yes, even crate training an older dog. The same dog crate training guidelines work.
Now you are ready to start.

Just grab the scruff of the dog's neck and guide him into the dog crate. Same way as his mother would do it. It's not mean. The mother simply puts the pups where she wants them to go. It's very matter-of-fact, confident, and firm. Of course, you don't shove the dog in there. You just do it!
You can put a little bit of food at the back of the dog crate, and a couple of toys. That will help with familiarity and boredom. If your dog learns to eat in a place, he becomes very secure.

Once he goes in the dog crate on his own, that's time for you to block your dog from going out. "Blocking" simply means "stopping access." You never shove the dog. When you extend your arm to block him, don't extend it out straight toward him like a policeman, or he'll go around it. Don't put your arm like a crossbar hurdle, or that's exactly what he'll do - jump over it. You need a diagonal that he can push into and still not get around.

Once your pet is relaxed with the dog crate, leave the room. The minute he barks, return and address the behavior with a firm, one-word correction such as "no" or "stop." Then leave again. Keep repeating this until he is silent. Then try walking out the front door. When he barks or howls, use the same correction.
It stands to reason that you want to start with these crate exercises when you can be at home. It's important to be available for quick correction.

It's good to put him in the crate for a while when you are at home, just doing things around the house, so it's not an automatic trigger that you're going out. When you intend to stay home, you will want to make some of the sounds you make when you are going out, so that he gets used to those.

Gradually increase the time you leave him in the crate, but make the time periods random. You don't want the dog to have a mental time-clock after which he expects your return and lapses into a dog separation anxiety attack if you don't! And don't talk to him when you go out. Just do it, very matter of fact.

If you have two dogs, put them both in the same dog crate. They will comfort each other, and each will then calm down. Crating one and leaving one loose only makes things increasingly worse. Don't do it!
Another dog crate training tip: Always give your dog a minimum 30-minute walk or workout before you leave. A tired dog has a much easier time relaxing.
Ahhhh . . . Peace and quiet. No more barking, howling separation anxiety in dogs!

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